Pearce Ellison makes his way from Mowbray in Cape Town, to the Cape Town harbour to attempt to board a ferry to the island. He experiences racism all the way, from Afrikaners hooting and showing hand...
Ch.10: I have a Dream (The Mandela Effect, V.1 Black and White) e.1
In a dream, Lindiwe imagines herself having all the benefits of a white woman in Apartheid SA. She sees herself driving a fancy car and living in a whites-only suburb in Pretoria. She also sees...
Ch.6: Township Times (The Mandela Effect, V.1 Black and White) e.1
The SA Police bus arrives in Laingsburg in the Karoo, on route to Cape Town, where the Pretoria cops will help their Cape Town colleagues in quelling a black uprising planned for Gugulethu township...
Ch.4: Breaking News (The Mandela Effect, V.1 Black and White) e.1
Having heard PW Botha speaking on television about Mandela and the danger that the ANC poses to South Africa, Lindiwe realises that the ANC icon is the key to a New South Africa, and he should be...
Ch.2: Kill Mandela (The Mandela Effect, V.1 Black and White) e.1
In 1987, the Vosloo Grill was the hangout for off duty policemen in Pretoria. Colonel Jaap Cornelius and his prestige Lieutenant Pieter Erasmus are discussing how the country is under siege from the...