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- Ch.40: When Karma Comes to Town (The Mandela Effect V.2, Daughter and Wife) e.1
- Ch.39: The Final Goodbye (The Mandela Effect V.2, Daughter and Wife) e.1
- Ch.38: Racism Fights Back (The Mandela Effect V.2, Daughter and Wife) e.1
- Ch.37: The Great Puppet Show (The Mandela Effect V.2, Daughter and Wife) e.1
- Ch.36: The Roast of Ace (The Mandela Effect V.2, Daughter and Wife) e.1
- Ch.35: Horse Trading in Pretoria (The Mandela Effect V.2, Daughter and Wife) e.1
Ch.34: The Race to Robben Island (The Mandela Effect, V.1 Black and White) e.1
The next day, Mark and Pearce board the ferry to the island, and happen to be on the boat with Pieter Erasmus and Lindiwe Buthelezi. Once on the island, Pieter and Louise run into Louise Burrell (CNN). The government did not deport her. They gave her a stern warning about the tone of her content and she interviews. This did not break Louise’s spirit. She was sure that she would be finally getting her interview with Mandela. Mark and Pearce head off for a meeting with the island prison chief, Vorster. Security on the island is tight as many do not know what the future holds. In fact, many did not even know for sure that Mandela was on the island. South Africa was in an adapt or die situation or as some called it, a ticking time bomb.
Ch.12: A Tough Day for Pearce (The Mandela Effect, V.1 Black and White) e.1
Pearce Ellison makes his way from Mowbray in Cape Town, to the Cape Town harbour to attempt to board a ferry to the island. He experiences racism all the way, from Afrikaners hooting and showing hand signals to his taxi driver of colour, right through to the shocking behaviour of the white security officials at the ferry office. Pearce always wanted to intervene in racial situations but he had to hold back incase it would threaten his chance of getting across to Robben Island. Once on the island he has a heated exchange with prison boss, Vorster over the whereabouts of Mandela, and the potential future outcome for SA. Eventually, like most who get on the wrong side of Vorster, he is asked to leave the island.
Ch.33: Pieter’s Worst Nightmare (The Mandela Effect V.2, Daughter and Wife) e.1
A few months later, Vincent Khoza calls Pieter to tell him that the Marikana Massacre case will be reopened. It seems like someone has paid big money to re-open the sage amid new evidence that has been brought forward.
Somebody wants to see Pieter lose more than just his rank and his job. Someone wants Pieter to pay the price for giving the order for the murdering of blacks in Marikana.
Pieter thinks through the possible contenders who would score from reopening the case. Was it Police Commissioner Lawrence Mathibe, Minister of Mineral and Energy Affairs, T.K Muronga or the notorious Ace Mabuza?
Pieter hears that the no-nonsense Advocate Dali Mhlaba will represent the state in cross-examining him.
Ch.35: Horse Trading in Pretoria (The Mandela Effect V.2, Daughter and Wife) e.1
Pieter meets Laurie Armstrong, a hotshot lawyer who has been hired to handle his case. Armstrong tells him that the court proceedings is all a show, just like the Billy Flynn scene in the movie, Chicago.
Armstrong says that he is going to do a lot of tap dancing just like Billy did in the movie. The lawyer works through the five-person panel who will survey the evidence, in the form of a jury.
Pieter is told to tell the panel what they want to hear. He is feeling more confident with Armstrong at his side.
Following a briefing with the panel, Armstrong tells Pieter that the commission happened after someone came forward with new evidence, but the panel refuses to say who the person was. Pieter suspects that the person could be Ace Mabuza.
Ch.19: A Night in Mbabane (The Mandela Effect, V.1 Black and White) e.1
Pieter and Lindiwe left Albertina’s home and it was here that the Lieutenant provided an element of surprise, by driving towards Mbabane, Swaziland. His feelings for Lindiwe had grown and hers towards him were the same. With Swaziland not having Apartheid, he could freely spend a night with her in the city’s capital. Although he did have to change hotels when he saw the room price. He on a lowly Lieutenant’s salary. This led to Pieter becoming even more sure in his mind that he should not eliminate Mandela. However, if all that Lindiwe had seen was correct, someone else was on a mission to do the evil act and needed to be stopped. Pieter Erasmus was changing from potential villain to potential hero.
Ch.33: Pearce Hits the big time (The Mandela Effect, V.1 Black and White) e.1
Pearce Ellison arrives at Pollsmoor Prison in Tokai, Cape Town, for a meeting with the prisons Acting Commissioner Mark van Pletzen. He finds the Acting Commissioner to be more liberal-minded than he expected. This was a man who wanted to fit in with the pending New SA, but of course he could not say that to his bosses. Van Pletzen confirms that Mandela is on the island. The Acting Commissioner puts Pearce on the spot. “What would you do if you were in P.W. Botha’s shoes?” There is an instant chemistry between Pearce and Mark. Both are men interested in the future, rather than the past. Mark and Pearce agree to meet at Pollsmoor at 7am the next day and to go to the Cape Town Harbour for a trip to Robben Island.
Ch.04: Good morning, Lindwe (The Mandela Effect V.2, Daughter and Wife) e.1
Lindiwe wakes up in the Netcare Jakaranda Hospital and is bewildered at the new world of 2010. She is totally confused as to what MNET and a mobile phone are, let along a chap called Jacob Zuma being President of South Africa. What happened to F.W. de Klerk, she asked.
The last thing she could remember was it being 1991 and she was pregnant with her first child.
She asks after her boyfriend, Pieter, but the doctors think that she is delusional. Lindiwe accuses the doctors of playing with her mind and tries to escape from the bed where she is chained, but cannot.
Meanwhile, Colonel Jaap Cornelius is on the phone to his intelligence unit colleague, Wayne Burgess as both wait for Pieter to wake up.
They believe a third force is hiding Pieter or at worse, the Lieutenant has sold out to a third force. Pieter awakens from his state of unconsciousness and racial abuses a black doctor. In his mind, if he cannot find Lindiwe Snr or Lindiwe Jnr, he will fulfil his parents’ wishes and carry out some racial attacks for his country.
Ch.32: For Love of Thy Country (The Mandela Effect, V.1 Black and White) e.1
Pieter heads off from the area where he had been held captive. He was told that Lindiwe had left earlier in the day. He had no clue of where to find Lindiwe. Something in his spirit tells him to go to Rita’s Koffeekroeg, where he had a meeting with Louise and Lindiwe before. By chance, he finds Lindiwe in the street and the two embrace. Once in the car on the road to Cape Town, Lindiwe explains that the government doesn’t want multi-racial children, hence black and white people should not marry. She also says that President Botha is expected to be removed from power by his own people, but she is not sure how it will work out. She was so close to the truth, as Botha would have a stroke in 1989, to eventually be replaced by F.W. De Klerk.
Ch.31: Pieter on the Trail (The Mandela Effect, V.1 Black and White) e.1
With General du Toit set for a day off from duty, Professor Strijdom hatches a plan to get Pieter Erasmus released in a bid for the Lieutenant to get to the island to protect Mandela. Pieters mind is racing. He has not seen Lindiwe for quite sometime. What if he found himself in a situation of saving one of Lindiwe or Mandela? He was also unsure as to how much he could trust the Professor. Most of the government workers were just that, workers not thinkers. Although the Professor seemed more liberal than most, trusted nobody outside of Lindiwe and himself. The Professor was bright enough to realise that SA could not be ruled by the white minority forever, but who was he reporting too?
Ch.39: Taking the Bullet (The Mandela Effect, V.1 Black and White) e.1
On the way to the prison cells, Pieter wrestles a warden to the ground, and to save the Lieutenant, Lindiwe shoots the warden, accidentally in his private parts. Once at the prison cells, Pieter is held at gun point by another warden. General du Toit enters and grabs Lindiwe, using her body as a shield. The General is the man who is out to eliminate Mandela! The General, who is suffering from lung cancer, can’t stop coughing, and Lindiwe elbows him in the ribs, forcing him to drop his weapon. Mark van Pletzen and Pieter Erasmus pin the General to the ground. The political prisoners celebrate in their prison cells, as the General yells that by not allowing him to kill Mandela, Pieter has ruined South Africa for generations to come. Pearce, Mark, Pieter and Lindiwe head down the corridor to see Mandela.