The Mandela Effect Vol 2: Daughter and Wife South Africa has gone through the birth pains of democracy and like many other countries, on the continent, found the realism of a host of new challenges...
Ch.09: Reality kicks in (The Mandela Effect V.2, Daughter and Wife) e.1
Nelson Mandela was on a mission to make sure that South Africa would not go off the rails and become an economic problem like Zimbabwe, who were led by law-unto-himself Robert Mugabe. Mandela, like...
Ch.02: Oh, Mother City (The Mandela Effect V.2, Daughter and Wife) e.1
In the car on the way from Pretoria to Cape Town, Pieter asks Lindiwe if she believed that South Africa could return to the Nelson Mandela dream of a unified, corruption-free country. The next day...
Black and White (Vol.1 of The Mandela Effect Trilogy) Free Book
The Mandela Effect Black and White Ever wondered about how it would be to go back in time and change history? The satirical novel, The Mandela Effect, gives an insight into how a Rainbow Nation South...
Ch.12: A Tough Day for Pearce (The Mandela Effect, V.1 Black and White) e.1
Pearce Ellison makes his way from Mowbray in Cape Town, to the Cape Town harbour to attempt to board a ferry to the island. He experiences racism all the way, from Afrikaners hooting and showing hand...
Ch.8: Great Discoveries (The Mandela Effect, V.1 Black and White) e.1
Louise and Lindiwe leave the island and head back to Pretoria by bus. The bus stops over at Laingsburg and the ladies relax over a cup of coffee. Lindiwe takes up the topic of 'oppression'. God...
Ch.7: Life on the Island (The Mandela Effect, V.1 Black and White) e.1
Robben Island Prison boss Vorster arrives at work to find that he has yet again been deceived by his principals. Nelson Mandela was removed from his prison cell during the night without his knowledge...
Ch.6: Township Times (The Mandela Effect, V.1 Black and White) e.1
The SA Police bus arrives in Laingsburg in the Karoo, on route to Cape Town, where the Pretoria cops will help their Cape Town colleagues in quelling a black uprising planned for Gugulethu township...
Ch.4: Breaking News (The Mandela Effect, V.1 Black and White) e.1
Having heard PW Botha speaking on television about Mandela and the danger that the ANC poses to South Africa, Lindiwe realises that the ANC icon is the key to a New South Africa, and he should be...
Ch.3: Something about this Girl (The Mandela Effect, V.1 Black and White) e.1
As she lay in the hospital bed, Lindiwe notices that she is wearing one of her mother’s outfits with the Vosloo Grill logo on it. The spirit of Lindiwe Senior and Lindiwe Junior had much to answer...