

Ch.17: Tell Me More (The Mandela Effect, V.1 Black and White) e.1

Lindiwe gets to Albertina’s house in Mamelodi first and the old lady tells her of her working days at a laboratory on the Natal border. Albertina worked as a cleaner there, and heard about some strange happenings inside the laboratory. While all scientists were sworn to secrecy, several encountered...

Ch.16: Three is a Crowd (The Mandela Effect, V.1 Black and White) e.1

Before the trio can leave the coffee shop, government security officials arrive on a mission to deport Louise Burrell. While her paperwork is in order, clearly her trip to the island was not good news to all. Eventually, after a shouting match scene in front of patrons, Louise is taken away by the...

Ch.15: A Visit to Gogo (The Mandela Effect, V.1 Black and White) e.1

Lindiwe meets Louise Burrell for coffee in Pretoria and tells her about the dream that she had. Some of the words that Louise speaks over coffee, were the very words that Louise spoke in Lindiwe’s dream. This freaks Lindiwe out a bit. Louise asks about Lindiwe’s background and the girl explains how...

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